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    We are the world’s best coffee beans producer in Uganda, Africa. We are specialized in production of two types of coffee beans Coffee Arabica, and Coffee Robusta.

    Coffee Arabica which is grown at high altitudes that are between 1,300-2,300m above sea level and Coffee Robusta coffee is grown at lower altitudes ranging from 900-1,500m above sea level.


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    Millet is a grain in the grass family. Millet flour is a powdery substance used in baking that is made from ground millet, a grain in the grass family that is grown as a crop in many parts of the world.

    Millet Flour

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    Vanilla is an agricultural crop that is a creeper in the orchid family. It is mostly grown for its nutritious fruits, which add flavor and perfume to cuisine. Vanilla thrives in the tropics. Mexico is where it was born. Vanilla requires a warm climate with frequent rains and prefers an annual rainfall of 150-300 cm.


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    Cocoa plant is a small evergreen tree which cannot thrive in areas below 16° C. it needs the maximum annual average temperature in between 30° C – 32° C. It grows best in red soil with pH ranging in between 4 – 8 i.e. normal soil.


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    Tea bush is a tropical and sub-tropical plant and thrives well in hot and humid climate. The ideal temperature for its growth is 20°-30°C and temperatures above 35°C and below 10°C are harmful for the bush. Tea is a labour intensive crop and requires abundant supply of cheap and skilled labour, especially at the time of plucking the tea leaves.


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    Passion fruit (Passiflora) is a round or oval-shaped fruit with a tough outer rind and juicy, seed-filled centre. Passion fruit, also known as passiflora, is a flowering tropical vine that grows in warm and humid climates. It contains a soft pulp that has lots of edible seeds inside the hard rind.

    Passion Fruits

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    Ginger is a knobby, multiple “fingered” rhizome with light to dark tan skin with occasional rings. The thickness of the skin depends on whether the rhizome was picked early or when more mature. The flesh is firm yet fibrous. Ginger is aromatic, pungent and spicy.Gingerol is the primary compound that gives fresh Ginger its spicy pungency, when Ginger is dried its flavor is intensified (Gingerol converts to shogaol) and when cooked, Ginger is less pungent (Gingerol converts to zingerone).


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    Eggplants are warm-season crops which require a long growing season. They grow best in regions where the daytime temperature is between 26 and 32°C (80 – 90°F) and night time temperatures around 21°C (70°F).Eggplants will perform best when planted in a fertile soil with a pH between 6.3 and 6.8.
    In tropical and subtropical climates, eggplant can be sown directly into the garden.

    Egg Plant

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    Chilli is the most important crop which is used throughout the world.They come in a wide variety of colours, sizes, tastes, and spice-levels.


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    In most countries, the grain of the Zea mays plant is called maize. In the United States, it’s called corn. Maize grows best on well-drained soils that have good water-holding characteristics. Sweet corn seed generally is planted when soil temperatures reach at least 55°F and the possibility of hard frosts (24°F or lower) has passed in the area.


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    Groundnut, popularly known as the peanut is a leguminous crop cultivated for edible purposes. It is found exclusively in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Groundnut is valued as a rich source of energy contributed by oil (48–50%) and protein (25–28%) in the kernels.

    Ground Nuts

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    Cassava is a root vegetable, which is known in botanical terms as ‘Manihot esculenta’ is a globally cultivated item despite its South American origin. It is also widely known as manioc, and also popular as the source of tapioca starch. Cassava is used in numerous ways in global cuisines. They can be made into ethnic traditional main dishes as well as side dishes. In addition to this, cassava starch is used as a gluten-free alternative for wheat and as a thickener.

    Cassava Fresh

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    The pawpaw is a small tree or shrub that rarely grows to more than 15 m in height. The trunk is slender and the bark on older trees has shallow furrows. The membranous leaves can be quite long, expanding up to 40 cm when including the stalk that attaches the leaf to the branch. The pawpaw tree will grow in full sun or dense shade but will have denser growth in the sun.


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    Soybean is a warm season crop to grow in summer. Soybean seeds planted by the drill, the depth of 2-3 cm. Spacing: 40 cm x10-15 cm, 2 seeds / hole.Generally soybean cultivation doesn’t need watering, but soybean plants are very sensitive to water shortages at the beginning of growth, at the age of 15-21 days, during flowering (age 25-35%), and when the pod filling (age 55-70 days). In these phases the plant in order to maintain dryness.


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    A plantain is actually a type of banana, but with a different flavor and culinary use. Like bananas they are originally from Southeast Asia, but they’re grown all over the world today. They are larger in size than bananas, and have a thicker skin.

    Plantain Banana
