Banana grows throughout the year and can be harvested all year round. Bananas are produced in 135 countries and territories across the tropics and subtropics. They need a series of recommendations such as direct sun, low wind, good drainage in the soil and irrigation approximately two or three times a week.
Warmer and even climate is good for banana cultivation, banana cultivation is successful in areas with high rainfall, and soil-rich loam and mattiar loam soil, so that drainage is considered to be suitable for the pH value of the land up to 6-7.5. It is suitable for farming.
Sufficient moisture should be maintained in the banana field, 8 to 10 cm thick layer of poultry or sugarcane leaf should be spread in the banana basin, this has to reduce the irrigation. At the same time, the yield also increases and flowers and fruits come together.
Banana is an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and potassium, they provide fibre, are low in fat, cholesterol-free and low in sodium.
Banana in itself is the most complete fruits; its benefits are lots. First of all, bananas are real food that fills you up in a healthy way. It is rich in carbohydrates, but the truth is that this fruit is a great source of vegetable energy composed of three types of sugars with almost no fat content.
Bananas are great source for curing heartburns as they relieve pain by enhancing the protective mucus layer and balancing the stomach’s PH values.
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